Wednesday, April 30, 2008


It's impossible to meet all my students physically. I kept thinking how could I reach out to all my students whenever I wanted to share a thought or I could give a hint about words, their usage, grammar pitfalls and so on. So, I thought why not start a blog. It's a blog, my dear students for you, by you and of you, but, through me. I want to bring to you nice things to read, in fact I want to teach you how to short, I want to educate you.

The word educate comes from the Latin root 'educere' which means to draw out.
I want to draw out from within you the wonderful talent of thinking.
I don't want to spoon feed you.
You're not a spastic or a mentally disabled student.
You can think!

The great philosopher Descartes rightly said CogitoEergo Sum ,"I think therefore I am".
I believe that whether you are from an English medium or any other vernacular medium, you can think and you need not have any inferiority complex.
I am going to help you and through this blog I am going to send threads out to you.
Pick them up and sew them into a successful fabric.
I would like you to post your views on my blog and as I look into the heavens I am sure that somewhere down the line history is being created.
Am I being too ambitious or too optimistic?
It's for you to decide.

So lets start talking about words..Words definitely cannot be memorised..they have to be understood by their collocation.

Now what is collocation?

It is the pairing of words. Now lets look at the common collocations: adjective-nouns, adverb-verb, verb-preposition and so on.

So, whenever you come across a new word check out it's roots and also it's part of speech then create a collocation.

The word is yours for LIFE!

Let us take a word called 'foible'. It's a noun. It comes from the Latin root 'flebilis'. Now, link this word to 'feeble'. Now you realise why foible means a minor weakness or failing in character.

The root means the weaker part of the sword between the middle and the pointed end..that's where the sword might break!So, we say these are my follies and foibles. Foible has a very interesting synonym...eccentricity. Now, where is the link?

If you are eccentric you are not concentric. You do not obey what society wants you to and you break away from the fix circle. Thus, you are a fault for society.Got the link???

I'd like you look at the words this way.

So, good night my dearest students and I'll return with many more words and their collocations.